Nicole Shanahan with Tom Massie on staffing a new Administration

Full interview

1:01) Introduction
1:56) Remembering Rhonda
7:08) Righteous Non-compliance
11:55) Winning the Meme War
15:33) Change the Rules
18:32) Inner Workings of Congressional Committees
22:29) The Question of Legal Standing
24:46) The Speech or Debate Clause
26:03) The 30-30-160 Breakdown
28:45) The Independent Majority
33:53) RFK’s Campaign Suspension
35:56) Staff is Policy
41:20) Vilsack’s Revolving Door
48:58) Fed: Arsonist and Firefighter
50:57) Banking System Fragility
54:17) The CARES Act Drive
59:18) No Victory Laps in Congress
1:03:13) Final Thoughts

Great snippet

Massie “Off the Grid” Movie – it’s awesome