Some contrarian medical findings

I’m not a doctor. But I am a cynic. So I collect alternate viewpoints to mull over. I do not take a daily medication because I do not trust an industry so hellbent on profit and so uncaring of unbiased research. It behoves us all to do our own research and make our own health decisions. Here are a few items from my recent sweep.

You thought they’d tested all our shots?

Cancer-testis antigens (CTAs) are tumor antigens normally expressed in the male testes but aberrantly expressed in several cancers.

Children are vulnerable

Do they use human fetus cells?

The following vaccines were made using aborted human fetal cells:

Polio vaccines- Pentacel, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel

Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccines- MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, Biovax, ProQuad, MMR-V, Priorix, Erolalix

Varicella vaccines for Chickenpox or Shingles- Verivax, ProQuad, MMR-V, Zostavax, Varilix

Hepatitis Vaccines- Vaqta, Havrix, Twinrix, Avaxim, Vivaxim, Epaxal

Rabies Vaccine- Imovax

Here is a list of human fetal cell lines used in vaccines:

WI-38 is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of an aborted white (caucasian) female.

MRC-5 cell line was derived from the human lung tissue of a 14-week old male fetus from a 27 year old woman.

HEK-293 is a cell line derived from human embryonic kidney cells of a healthy aborted fetus.

RA-27/3 is derived from an aborted fetus.

WI-26 VA4 is an SV40 transformed derivative of WI-26, a human diploid cell line derived from embryonic lung tissue of a male caucasian.

WalVax-2 is taken from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation female who was ultimately selected from among 9 aborted babies.

IMR-90 is the human diploid fibroblast from the lungs of a 16-week female fetus.

PER.C6 cell line is from retinal tissue of a 18 week old fetus.

The fetuses are aborted solely for the purpose of being used in vaccines. A fetus used in a vaccine must be aborted in a special way, different than a normal abortion. Read the post below.

Statins will provoke Alzheimers and more

An excellent example of why you should never trust these awful people