Privacy, or at least the yearning for privacy is a funny thing. When asked whether they support “privacy,” historically most …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Privacy, or at least the yearning for privacy is a funny thing. When asked whether they support “privacy,” historically most …
Is your own house spying on you? Amazon is coaching police officers how to use its “Ring” home surveillance technology …
A pair of Parma, OH cops will face civil liability after they led a SWAT team raid to take down …
Did you know your medical privacy is seriously compromised when you sign that clipboard form at the doctor’s office? That’s …
Once again, the federal government has violated the rights of many in hopes of catching a few criminals. This time, …
UPDATE: Passengers flying internally in the U.S. now have until 2020 to make sure they have counterfeit-resistant state-issued drivers licenses to …
One of the ways local authorities try to raise money is by increasing the number of crimes that they can …
In a meeting with leading business executives in early April, President Donald Trump lamented the poor state of federal IT. He’s right. …
The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution reads, in part, as follows: “No person shall…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without …
While congressional Democrats and Republicans go head-to-head over gun control, proponents of a smaller, often overlooked facet of the Second …
Last week the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (i.e. the government) received a court order (i.e. from the government) that …
The Federal Aviation Administration missed its Sept. 30 deadline to file national regulations for drone use. Interest groups sent a letter …
Workplace Wellness Programs Put Employee Privacy At Risk Houston workers who checked the fine print said they weren’t sure whether …
If your company hasn’t launched a wellness program, this might be the year. Benefits enrollment have increased in 2016, and …
When you think of someone being stalked, chances are that a celebrity or other famous figure comes to mind. So …