The Siege at Ruby Ridge is often considered a pivotal date in American history. The shootout between Randy Weaver and his family and federal …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
The Siege at Ruby Ridge is often considered a pivotal date in American history. The shootout between Randy Weaver and his family and federal …
This Alabama criminal thought he had an easy score. All he had to do was carefully open the gate, close …
Here are four common misconceptions about mass homicides and who commits them. When 22 people were killed in El Paso, …
What firearm suppressors are, what they aren’t, why they are restricted in the US, and why they shouldn’t be. This …
A home invader got what he deserved when a South Carolina mom defended her home with a firearm. According to …
At a time when many high-profile politicians are comfortable proposing laws that impose serious burdens on the right to keep …
This is a great piece written by Matt Pickering who answered this question on a website called Quora. In no …
Gun controllers often advocate laws forcing gun owners to have so-called smart gun technology installed on all their firearms. The …
Is bigger always better? Check out these super tiny WORKING firearms. A desert eagle, a tommy gun and a tiny …
Did you ever wonder exactly how bulletproof, bulletproof glass really is? Wonder no more as you watch 1 1/2″ …
YouTube’s #1 firearms star Hickock45 takes a few minutes here to demonstrate the legendary M-16, before attaching a suppressor. Not …
We defenders of the Second Amendment are no stranger to disinformation and ignorance by the Left when it comes to …
Will they bounce off? Or will one penetrate a skillet? These guys used Remington ammo in the following sizes to …
2019 SHOT Show, Empty Shell returned to announce that their XM556 suitcase-sized minigun is going into full production. Half the …
Hollywood has a clever way of distorting our perspective on history, and a great example of this is Western film …
This Brit is fairly unbiased and has put together an interesting video. (He includes the aside that must have struck …
Founded in 1916, Federal provided ammunition to the U.S. military for World War II and the Vietnam Conflict. Today, Federal’s …
From The history around the development of the .500 Nitro Express is not entirely clear. It first appeared in …
Please form an orderly line and list all the things wrong here.
Think the U.S. has the most mass shooters in the world? The media constantly report that. But it’s a myth, …
His language is a bit salty but he’s very thorough in his examination of these firearms. He’s also kinda funny.
Oops, maybe that wasn’t such a great idea! Epic fail!
I was riding in the car one day with a female colleague from work when we began talking about guns. …
I sat in on a training course for school teachers. I watched their faces in class. They were mesmerized by …
Paul explains his thoughts on when a child is old enough to receive a gun as a Christmas gift. He …
From the “you can’t make this sh*t up” department: Man Accidentally Shoots himself in Groin at Meat Counter in Walmart. …
In a rational and often very moving answer to a gun control question Kentucky Governor, Matt Bevin addresses many of …
Multiple men reportedly put their bodies on the line to protect patrons at the club in California where a gunman …
There is so much going on in this video that you have to see to believe. Crazed gunman Clay …
A man points a pistol at his friend’s head while taking a selfie at a Top Gun shooting stand in …