reports:A Border Patrol agent confirmed that the California city is now the busiest sector along the southern border as …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in. reports:A Border Patrol agent confirmed that the California city is now the busiest sector along the southern border as …
As the U.S. holiday travel season picks up, many people are noticing that their frequent flyer benefits aren’t going as …
The TSA has been promising to end its boneheaded ways for more than 20 years. Flying out of Dallas International …
A Delta Air Lines flight from Atlanta to Barcelona was forced to turn around after a passenger on board suffered …
I’m lucky enough to be able to split my time between Virginia and Cape Cod, MA. There are many wonderful …
France RestaurantsAt the bottom of a restaurant bill is the line “service 15% compris”. In practical terms it means that …
Bed bugs have made recently made an unwelcome resurgence in the United States. Bed bugs are tiny, brown, flat, oval-shaped insects …
The CEO of Texas Armoring Corporation sits behind the wheel of a modified Mercedes-Benz SUV while an employee fires 12 …
The “Green” Kool-Aid Democrats continue to guzzle is truly making them incomprehensively detached from reality. It has sunk to the …
(BPT) – There’s nothing quite like packing up your car and heading out onto the open road. With over four …
Crocodiles are powerful apex predators, but it doesn’t mean they always come out on top. Some animals give them a …
NASA’s Ingenuity drone took the first powered, controlled flight on another planet on April 19th. Ingenuity was attached to the …
This weird snake story is about 45 seconds in on a very interesting news reel. (The other stories are cool …
I saw this on Twitter about bats in the Philippines. They have 6ft wingspan but the bodies are about the …
Bed bugs can be found in any hotel or motel – from a hotel motel to a swanky five-star resort. …
This video shows Mac, from hiking the entirety of a Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike from the US/Mexico border to …
A man staying at a lodge in Tasmania, Australia, witnessed a horrifying scene: a large huntsman spider eating what appears to …
(BPT) – Looking for a vacation that’s fun and meaningful? Wish you had more time to volunteer in a way …
My previous columns about the Transportation Security Administration have focused on bureaucratic inefficiency and incompetence (as well as laughable examples …
I know it’s boring to wait for the bus, but this is insane! Watch as police pull over a car …
Samsung’s “safety truck” has a wireless camera installed on the grill that displays what’s in front of the vehicle on …
As I head off on another road trip I remembered I wrote this back in January. So I updated it …
As temperatures rise, so do the number of Americans planning to get away. In fact, three-fourths of consumers plan to …
Famous or being the first hacker to jailbreak the iPhone at 17, tech-genius George Hotz is taking on Waymo, Tesla, …
Savvy Travelers Stay Safe with these Techniques and this great Gizmo Kelly here. I’ve travelled all over the world. When …
The Birth Of A Dugout Canoe by Northmen This is a documentary movie uncovering the difficult and time consuming process …
All trees have clues and features that can help with identification. You just need to know what to look out …
Fantastic tip for traveling, for camping, for in the car. And sooooo easy.
If you ever use a classic hotel safe while traveling, you might want to try this quick test.
This is an Australia trailer (UEV-440) made to very high standards to withstand the continent’s tough terrain. Although some bits …