Japan is is subject to earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and radiation. It is also densely populated. It was intended that the …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Japan is is subject to earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and radiation. It is also densely populated. It was intended that the …
The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, …
Solar Flares & Coronal Mass Ejections The sun. Smooth and round and peaceful. Except when it suddenly vomits radiation and …
Eight homes were swept into the sea on Wednesday following a powerful mudslide in the Norwegian town of Alta. As …
We’re always being asked what should go in a Bug-out Bag. Thing is, there are different sizes. I have an …
When President Donald Trump announced the “15 Days to Slow the Spread” initiative, it was premised on the idea that …
Toilet paper will be one of the first things to disappear from the shelves should a SHTF event occur. You …
I started reading this article tongue-in-cheek. But if you can do math, it’s actually a serious analysis, done with just …
Looking back on my many years as a prepper, I know I’ve made many mistakes. Prepping is just not a …
Tropical Storm Imelda hammered Southeast Texas hard, dropping nearly four feet of rain into homes and businesses. One of those …
A massive explosion has blown open a Russian laboratory housing ebola, anthrax, smallpox and other biological weapons. “The State Research …
(Natural News) In trying to come up with a plan for when everything hits the fan, many folks end up stumbling …
Scientists are warning that a solar superflare on the sun could take Earth’s power systems offline sooner than previously thought. …
“That right there is enough fentanyl to kill about 11 million people.” WATCH: The drug crisis at our border is …
One year after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 students and staff dead, Kyle Kashuv and Andrew …
Authorities and school officials either failed to act or were unclear about procedures when confronting the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High …
Tony was a former British Royal Marine who had served on South Georgia Island during the 1982 Falkland Islands War. …
Your ideal goal for self-reliance is to have a plan for every eventuality. And sometimes we have to plan for …
By Mike McMaken: If you’re like me, you subscribe to and read a lot of newsletters, blogs and articles about …
The fire season has been in full force for several weeks, now. Fire season is brought on by both seasonally …
There has been much evidence to support preparing for an emergency and disaster scenario on your own without putting your …
Imagine a terrorist group hellbent on taking Earth’s population back to Stone Age numbers. They manipulate a deadly virus. And …
We’ve done some digging and come across some of the best survival kits offered on Amazon, making the purchasing of …
Did you ever hear Bunker Buddies with Andie and Travis (Click to go to their website, it’s awesome.) They contacted me …
Flash floods struck a Maryland community wracked by similar flooding in 2016. The ’16 flood was labeled a ‘once in …
This is a great way for these Turkish people to communicate across the hills and valleys of their community. It’s …
When you fall through the ice your instincts can work against you. The natural response to ice cold is a …
Tech Exec Doomsday Preppers: Protecting Themselves from the Automation Monster They Created “Doomsday Preppers,” An American reality series that ran …
‘It’s simple to start a fire by connecting a standard paperclip to a car jump starting battery pack and …
As I have been reporting, we need to take this recent Black Death outbreak seriously. The news now is of medics …