The Biden and Obama administrations and their envoy John Kerry have seldom downplayed their preference for placating Iran rather than standing up to the mullahs. This moral turpitude has been noticed and the Ayatollah is doubling down on Biden with this outrageous mock video of an attack on Washington D.C. and the Capitol Building!
“The Americans have been for years deeply saddened by the Islamic republic’s influence, and they were angry with General Soleimani for this reason and martyred him for this reason,”
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
The video debuted Sunday on Iranian state-controlled television before Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei delivered remarks, in which he praised the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the paramilitary force that has killed Americans, and celebrated IRGC leader Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a drone strike by the former Trump administration on Jan. 3, 2020.
Today pre-Khamenei talk,Iran state TV aired this clip depicting an IRGC attack on #Congress
— Kasra Aarabi (کسری اعرابی) (@KasraAarabi) May 2, 2021
Yes, it’s propaganda. But it shows the anti-US ideology of #IRGC,which is rising in power
Should the #US give #Iran billions in sanctions relief before addressing the challenge of IRGC?