Nancy Pelosi is 84. She has political active for a very long time. She began her political career as a volunteer and gradually moved up the ranks, making the leap to public office in a special election for California’s Eighth District in 1987. She became the first female Democratic leader of the House of Representatives and the first female speaker of the House.
Born Nancy D’Alesandro on March 26, 1940, in Baltimore, Maryland. Pelosi carried on the family tradition of being involved in politics. Her father served in Congress and was the mayor of Baltimore for 12 years, a post her brother Thomas also held. Nepotism runs in the family, her by-marriage nephew is Gavin Newsom.
Just a reminder of her longevity in politics. Here she is, aged 20, attending the Inauguration of President Kennedy in 1961.
Is Nancy our poster child for Term Limits?

Nancy Pelosi in 1984. When she was the head of the Democratic National Committee’s San Francisco host committee.