Once upon a time kids were expected to achieve great results, earlier. This family is following in the footsteps of …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Once upon a time kids were expected to achieve great results, earlier. This family is following in the footsteps of …
In Detroit, dependence on law enforcement has proved insufficient to keep people safe. Enter Dale Brown, a threat management professional …
Imagine that someone you care about is procrastinating in advance of a vital exam. If he fails the test, he …
Rates of teenage depression and suicide in America are rising. Attempts to explain this increase have centered around ideas that …
Magic. And chemistry.
Using an App called FamilyTime this father discovered his young teenage daughter was being groomed by an older man for potential …
One in three American children now grow up without their biological father in the home. There is a growing split …
Including today’s shooting incident at a Texas high school, this year there have already been 22 school shootings where someone …
Here’s how it works!
Did you see this? It’s the press release for the announcement that Dolly’s charity had donated its 100 millionth book …
The true story of the most decorated dog in American military history — Sgt. Stubby — and the enduring bonds …
It’s funny how a show we all thought cute because it reflected our everyday lives and moral values has turned …
If you’ve followed Intellectual Takeout for any length of time, you’ll know that Fatherhood is a regular topic. You’ll also …
This lady shows us that purses are for lipstick but weapons are carried on the body! And boy does she …
Here’s a straightforward and well explained video demonstrating the correct cleaning of an AR-15. I’m sure many of you are …
I Go to a School Where an Attack Was Foiled. Here’s Why I’m Against Limiting Gun Rights. Nicole Martin is …
In a recent Facebook post, Mike Rowe, host of the Discovery Channel’s Dirty Jobs show, shared a letter he received …
“A stick is a whole tool-box” “All little boys, it may be noticed, like to possess a stick more almost …
Let’s face it: we all have holes in our education. In part, this is because we can only fit …
The decision to homeschool ends in one mother’s arrest and the seizing of her children. Raising children is no walk …
Around Valentine’s Day, it’s not uncommon to see pictures of little girls dressed up, smiling, and excited to go with …
For the last 20 years or so, there has been one regular item on my Christmas list. That item is …
“Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you.” In our society, it’s practically required to say …
My recent columns have focused on the extremely poor educational outcomes for black students. There’s enough blame for all involved …
The other day, NPR published a glowing article describing the decline in spanking over the last several decades. Parents, it …
While dining with friends the other evening, the sibling squabbles we had as children came up as a topic of …
You watched the TV and you dreamed of owning these. How many did you actually ever play with?
December 9th marks the anniversary of the Christmas TV special which basically birthed all others: “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Most …
Whenever I discuss education policy with one of my leftist friends, it usually follows the same script. They’ll ask whether …
Sending young children to school at the age of three or four is increasingly becoming the norm for American parents. …