These robotic birds are like scarecrows in the sky. They can we used to keep real birds away from sensitive …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
These robotic birds are like scarecrows in the sky. They can we used to keep real birds away from sensitive …
“Manipulating video with convincing reenactment.” This takes neutral video of a target and transfers expressions and words from an actor …
There’s a post making the rounds on Facebook with an urgent message telling people that if you are pulled over …
Are you a radio ham? That’s the slang for an amateur radio user. In the US you must pass a …
Wow, the daily news is grim. Civilization is collapsing all around us. Corruption is everywhere. The political parties are falling …
Zello is a very valuable app during times of natural disasters, search and rescue, or community events. It gives you free …
Troy Hunt, a web security expert, created Have I been pwned? as a free resource for people to quickly assess …
Apple products look great. Whatever else you think of the company, there’s little doubt that Apple uses high-end materials to …
Paul Joseph Watson is a YouTube pundit. Naturally, he is conservative because as he points out, the left is about emoting …
As you know, I’ve been away for a while. It was on business completely unrelated to Self-Reliance Central but as …
Image Credit: Hermann CCO Facebook doesn’t think you know what’s “fake news” and what’s not. In an announcement Thursday, the …
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse’s origination may be a …
I read this article in the London Evening Standard (which I found on Facebook, naturally) describing how Facebook makes decisions …
This is great news! My battery runs down really quickly on my phone as I have so many apps open …
Your everyday router may be a vulnerable link in your home Wi-Fi network, allowing hackers to access personal information, sometimes …
A feature announced last week by Facebook will allow people who have split up with a spouse or partner to turn …