Meteor size of car misses Adelaide, lands in ocean!

The Perseid smeteor shower is active each year between July 17 and August 24. During this window of activity, individual Perseid meteors can be spotted across the night skies. But between tonight (August 12) and the morning of August 13, the shower will explode in intensity, in what is known as the shower’s peak.

The bright Perseids are perhaps the most popular meteor shower of the year, but in 2019 they’ll be washed out by a close-to-full moon during their peak.

Spectators can expect to see just 10-15 Perseids per hour or maybe slightly more on the peak, which (Aug. 12-13 2019), according to NASA meteor expert Bill Cooke. Years without moonlight see much higher rates, and in outburst years (such as in 2016) the rate can be between 150-200 meteors an hour. See video below for an amazing shower!

It is not yet known if the Adelaide meteor is one of the Perseids. If you have information on this, please leave it below.

Watch the video below and be blown away!