$5 per dose Dexamethasone proves first life-saving anti-COVID-19 drug

The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome COronaVirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) is a new and recognized infectious disease of the respiratory tract. Most cases are mild or asymptomatic. However, around 5% of all patients develop Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which is the leading mortality cause in these patients.

Image: Dexamethasone, UK Gov

Clinical trials have shown that administering Dexamethasone significantly improves outcomes for the sickest patients.

Image: BBC (Great article here)

According to the Chief Medical Officer in the UK, this is the most important trial result for COVID-19 so far. It shows a significiant reduction in mortality in those requiring oxygen or ventilation from a widely available, safe and well known drug. So well known, you’ve probably taken it for a sore joint.

“This is the most important trial result for COVID-19 so far. Is shows significant reduction in mortality in those requiring oxygen or ventilation from a widely available, safe and well known drug. We should all be grateful to the patients who volunteered and those who made this trial possible. It will save lives around the world.”

Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid medication. It is used in the treatment of many conditions, including rheumatic problems, a number of skin diseases, severe allergies, asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, croup, brain swelling, eye pain following eye surgery, and in conjunction with antibiotics in tuberculosis. It is also inexpensive , a factor which will play a big part in improving outcomes in poorer countries.