Georgia knows its voting machines have problems

Newly unsealed court documents reveal that Georgia el*ction officials have been aware of vulnerabilities in the state’s v*ting software for over two years but have decided not to update the system until after the 2024 election. The vulnerabilities pertain to certain Dominion Voting machines, and their existence has been confirmed by federal cybersecurity officials who have advised election officials nationwide to update their systems.

However, according to this CNN report the state has no intention of upgrading until after the 2024 election. Brad Raffensberger is still in charge of elections but he’s not saying much about the problem. According to Mike Hassinger, a spokesperson for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, upgrading the system would be a massive undertaking, and officials are currently assessing the project’s scope and timeframe.

While state and federal officials have suggested it is unlikely that these vulnerabilities could be exploited, the newly released report points out that Georgia is far more dependent on this particular software than any other state, potentially undermining confidence in its ability to conduct a secure el*ction. 

Georgia officials have dismissed the potential for these weaknesses to be exploited.