Nobel Prize Winner Shows Wrongthink on Elites’ Buggaboo – Instantly Canceled

We wrote last week about the co-winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize for Physics, who launched an excoriating attack on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, calling it a “dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people”.

Dr. John Clauser has been outspoken about the Left’s non-stop attempts to make climate change an emergency.

Naturally the unelected elites in the NGOs, in this case the International Monetary Fund, don’t like his blunt honesty. The climate change boondoggle is what keeps these jokers in clover and when “one of theirs” rocks the boat they turn on them instantly. It would be the natural conclusion for them to assume that a professor receiving the great “honor” of a Nobel Prize* would fall in line with their unscientific claptrap as most of these awards are now politically motivated. (Greta Thunberg, anyone?)

*(Remember Obama got one for Peace and went on to increase US military presence in Afghanistan, and to drop drone bombs on Pakistani and Yemeni civilians)