Sen. Rand Paul’s new report shows the feds wasted millions studying whether people will eat bugs, funding art classes in …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Sen. Rand Paul’s new report shows the feds wasted millions studying whether people will eat bugs, funding art classes in …
Just when you think this woman can’t get any more tyrannical, here she is in full Pravda mode brainwashing the …
By Richard McCarty The President should be able to trust the advice he is given by senior bureaucrats, and he should …
Thanks to the bed wetters who came up with this video. Blindingly obvious advice that most of us don’t need …
More insanity from a Democrat-held city. Washington D.C.’s mayor is trying to eradicate any mention of white people. Schools will …
By Mary Clare Amselem The New York Times’s podcast “Nice White Parents” makes the false argument that parents removed their …
By: Daren Bakst@darenbakst and Jeremy Dalrymple@jdalrymple_esq The federal government has created numerous barriers to the sale of meat and poultry, but underlying …
by Dan Mitchell In an interview with an economic organization from India last month, I discussed many of the economic issues associated with …
Are you a COVID nazi? Do you call in your neighbors for hugging, not wearing a mask or failure to …
All my life, I have dismissed paranoids on the right (“America is headed to communism”) and the left (“It can …
Orwell is alive. — Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) April 6, 2020 It’s one thing when it’s a terrorist hunt …
By Fmr. Congressman Bob Barr. For nearly three-quarters of a century, America’s taxpayers have given tens of billions of dollars …
It’s unlikely that there is a single federal alphabet organization less popular among the readership of this website than the Bureau of Alcohol, …
by Bob Barr Having recently tackled the scourge of “assault” weapons in the Commonwealth, Virginia Democrats now have set their …
On Jan. 20, as Americans remembered civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr., an estimated 10,000 people peacefully rallied in …
This is a sad testament to just how far down into a police state the United States has descended. Undercover …
How does your state stack up? My favorite publication from the Canada-based Fraser Institute is Economic Freedom of the World, which ranks …
Based on the market-leading Ford Transit Custom and converted by Ford’s long-term motorhome specialist partner Westfalia, the Nugget camper is …
An Overland Park, Kansas girl was charged with a felony after the cops say she made “a gun-like gesture” The …
Forest Park City Georgia residents have been spared the horror of buying fruits, vegetables and herbs grown by the Little …
It is well-known that the federal government has a spending problem, but it is less well-known that the government also …
The Department of Justice and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) department have filed an unprecedented court order demanding Google …
A Colorado teen has been suspended and harassed by the local school board for going target shooting with his mother. …
A pair of Parma, OH cops will face civil liability after they led a SWAT team raid to take down …
A 79 year old Ohio woman is facing 10 days in jail for feeding stray cats. Yes, you read that …
The world in which most liberals live is one of magic and fairytales — where socialist systems have starved millions …
Are you with the “Lord,” or against it? The word’s been removed from a fallen #memorial outside the Tega Cay …
It’s one thing to talk about how the massive growth of federal regulations are choking the life out of the …
When a dozen of conservatism’s best minds take on Socialism and expose it for the utopian fraud it is, attention …
by Dan Mitchell San Francisco used to be famous for cable cars. Now it’s getting well known for its “poop patrol” and maps …