Are you with the “Lord,” or against it? The word’s been removed from a fallen #memorial outside the Tega Cay …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Are you with the “Lord,” or against it? The word’s been removed from a fallen #memorial outside the Tega Cay …
What firearm suppressors are, what they aren’t, why they are restricted in the US, and why they shouldn’t be. This …
Visited the grave of my friend’s father and witnessed a remarkable ceremony. The letters on the white crosses almost disappear …
Thanks to our friends at for letting us share this very insightful article with you. According to the Federal …
Is this a sign that the pendulum is swinging back to recognizing society’s need for people who can do, not …
Recent headlines have been screaming out a familiar story: teen suicide rates are increasing. Suicide was the second leading cause …
Just typing that headline gave me thrill. This is the America I want more of! Here’s a decent guy doing …
As I write these words, a reproduction of the 1897 Sears Roebuck Catalogue, published in 1968 by Chelsea House, sits …
I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time. I am alive. I walk the Earth. I …
Travis Kauffman, 31, was trail running at Horsetooth Mountain Open Space when he was attacked by a mountain lion on …
By Mike McMaken, SRC Contributor Those of you who have read my previous articles know that I tend to focus …
Jason Yang, butcher at Fleishers Craft Butchery, breaks down half a cow into all the cuts you would see at …
From the “you can’t make this sh*t up” department: Man Accidentally Shoots himself in Groin at Meat Counter in Walmart. …
In a rational and often very moving answer to a gun control question Kentucky Governor, Matt Bevin addresses many of …
Tony was a former British Royal Marine who had served on South Georgia Island during the 1982 Falkland Islands War. …
I’ve spent the past 14 years traveling in and out of various conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East, …
I was reading an amazing survival story on last week. I strongly advise anyone to go and read it …
By Mike McMaken: If you’re like me, you subscribe to and read a lot of newsletters, blogs and articles about …
I found a great site on YouTube. Active Self Protection. Here’s a great example of concealed carry mistakes. In fact, there …
This guy came up with a great mix of sawdust and coffee to keep mosquitos at bay while he was …
This is from the Alabama National Guard’s Facebook page. It probably makes most of us cringe. But not this guy. …
Therapy dogs can decrease anxiety and stress in students, while getting them more excited about classroom activities. Howard County Library …
As you know, I am way more concerned about our cavalier attitude to inorganic resources than I am to re-growable, sustainable …
In the wake of the tragic murder of 17 innocent students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in …
“A stick is a whole tool-box” “All little boys, it may be noticed, like to possess a stick more almost …
There’s a book in the British Library called Bald’s Leechbook. It’s an Old English leatherbound, medical textbook, encouraged under King Alfred’s …
Want to make your CCW life easier? These guys have some useful tips. He’s big on a gun belt because …
Yakhchāl is Persian for ice pit and it’s an ancient type of evaporative cooler. Above ground, the structure has a domed shape with …
Humans should urinate at least four to six times a day, but occasionally, the pressures of modern life force us …