Growing up in the bayou, all I knew was nothing messed with alligators. Except us. Well, now we have some …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Growing up in the bayou, all I knew was nothing messed with alligators. Except us. Well, now we have some …
This compact .22 pistol is taking concealment to the next level. Trailblazer Firearms’ “Lifeguard .22LR” is an interesting firearm. It …
The Survival Rule of Threes goes as such: You can survive for 3 Minutes without air or in an icy …
It takes a lot to impress me. This guy did it. Watch as he builds a native hut out of …
Survival books, websites, and other resources have long focused on survival tips for the young and able, but what about …
Reddit user voicesinmyhand made a very good point about planning for survival after a cataclysmic event. You can be prepared for any …
Our friend Hickock45 is at it again. In this video, he demonstrates some of the guns that won the West …
Do you have what it takes to survive a nuclear blast, EMP attack or viral pandemic? These ladies do. In …
Want to start a three-hour debate? Bring up “inside the waistband carry.” Some folks swear by it. Others feel it …
In uncertain times, you should strive to be prepared for any situation. The more prepared you are, the better off …
Survival Lily shows us how she has equipped her car to deal with most emergencies. Can you think of anything …
North Korea is drawing up plans for a nuclear attack on the United States that can not only be carried …
I’ve been running links to Reddit posts all week. This is another outstanding example of the peer-to-peer assistance we can give …
This is hysterical! But kudos to both the National Guard and the Redneck Army, and all the other down-home volunteers …
This is insane. You’d think someone would have seen this, or commented, or some busybody would have interfered or vandals …
Texas shows us how people rush to help not hurt each other when the worst happens. In a stunning moment …
As if the poor people of Houston didn’t have enough to suffer, here come the fire ants. During and after …
I picked quite a time to go on a weekend trip to Charlottesville. What was supposed to be a nice …
This is an old but good video. It explains how modern electronic vehicles are super-difficult to hot wire, but if …
Apartment Stash Food is one of the most pressing concerns in a survival situation. If the unthinkable should happen, you …
I found this nifty set of instructions on Wiki-How. Personally, we have a metal well pump sunk on our property and we’re …
These Marines are as cool as cucumbers! One of the squad members takes a direct sniper bullet to his cover …
I love this guy. He focusses on some really useful knots.
As our world continues to destabilize, self-survival and protection are more crucial than ever. While the Second Amendment gives us …
Daniel Jaquet is an academic from Vaumarcus, Switzerland. He’s a Medievalist who specializes in armored fighting. He’s also a practitioner of …
There are a lot of reasons why people prep for disasters, but there’s one reason that’s far more popular than …
“But when the thermometer starts to rise…” – you know how the old song goes, but it’s more than libido …
If you’ve been to a gun training course you have probably heard of the 21 foot rule that relates to …
One of the other projects I’m involved with is called American Liberty PAC. Here, ALPAC’s Project Director, Donny Ferguson, who hails …
Hydraulic fracturing hasn’t contaminated groundwater in Texas, isn’t an earthquake hazard, and has been a boon for the state’s economy, …