Talk about a ludicrous advertising pitch! Speaking of the record-breaking tax-and-spend package currently being pushed through Congress, President Joe Biden last Friday said, “It is …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Talk about a ludicrous advertising pitch! Speaking of the record-breaking tax-and-spend package currently being pushed through Congress, President Joe Biden last Friday said, “It is …
The president went to watch the Congressional baseball game and disgraced himself as usual. This “boxing in” would be considered …
The Taliban have rampaged across the county and claimed the provincial capitals of Ghor, Badghis and Helmand shortly after the …
Sky News host Alan Jones says Joe Biden “has to be taken out of circulation” after a CNN Town Hall …
Joe Biden’s lies are legendary. He’s still the same dishonest plagiarist he was 33 years ago. He has always been …
This speech is the ultimate Big Lie. And it is a dangerous one because it justifies the use of government …
We like the loosening of regulations surrounding occupational licensing but thisExecutive Order (EO) is a major power grab by the …
Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX-13) sent a letter to President Joe Biden, Physician to the President Kevin O’Connor, D.O. and Chief …
BIDEN: "Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to …
Former Obama-era Office of Government Ethics chief Walter Shaub called the Biden administration’s hiring of multiple relatives of senior staffers a disgraceful …
Biden’s greatest success so far continues to be illustrating to the American people what a monumental mistake was made in …
By Robert Romano After Democrats in 2020 secured the White House, House and Senate, completing the trifecta for President Joe Biden …
U.S. President #JoeBiden told Russian President #VladimirPutin that certain critical infrastructure should be "off-limits" to cyber-attacks#CyberAttack#GenevaSummit2021 — The Peninsula Qatar …
by Dan Mitchell Biden campaigned for higher taxes and a bigger welfare state, so I haven’t been surprised by his misguided fiscal agenda. That …
President Biden’s open border policies are directly helping organized crime, says Bill O’Reilly. “More narcotics are coming into the United …
By Mark J. Perry, American Enterprise Institute. Today’s news from the White House is that President Joe Biden will continue …
by Dan Mitchell In my lifetime, the only good president has been Ronald Reagan, whose policies restored America’s economy and led to the end of …
No, Biden’s gun control orders won’t prevent violence The left has come up with a scary name for – legally …
by Bob Barr As recounted by Lewis Carroll in his timeless parody “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” Alice discovers her surroundings …
By Frank McCaffrey President Joe Biden’s delayed response to the Texas freeze which killed dozens of Americans after the power …
by Bob Barr Although our Founders correctly recognized that the overriding responsibility of the president is to secure our liberties …
Daily Caller by Bob Barr America’s true “Greatest Generation” won our nation’s independence only after a costly and bloody war …
A patriotic remix of a classic Christmas carol By Megan Marzzacco As we reflect on a fabulous year (sarcasm intended), I’m …
More than 500 years ago, Christopher Columbus’s intrepid voyage to the New World ushered in a new era of exploration and …
On this Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day, we solemnly honor the memory of every lost Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, …
The President began his speech on stage at 2 hour and 24 minutes into this video, in case you don’t …
Here’s a quick quiz: Who was Prime Minister of Great Britain (Winston Churchill); King of England (George VI); Supreme Allied Commander …
President Trump made his fortune in real estate before he went into politics. So, it should comes as no surprise …
The fake Great Seal features a two-headed eagle, like on theRussia Federation’s coat of arms. The eagle’s left claw grasps …
On June 19th, President Trump awarded economist Art Laffer, creator of the Laffer Curve made famous under President Reagan, the …