It’s frightening that an out-of-the-closet socialist like Crazy Bernie is the Democratic frontrunner and it’s disheartening that so many young people are attracted to …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
It’s frightening that an out-of-the-closet socialist like Crazy Bernie is the Democratic frontrunner and it’s disheartening that so many young people are attracted to …
Dan Mitchell says: I’ve shared lots of quizzes – some simple, some complex – that tell you whether you’re a libertarian. I pass with flying colors, …
This is the amazing story of two brothers who got into it over fishing for the biggest catch. It culminated …
Vietnamese Dragon Chicken – Also known as the “dong tao chicken,” these birds are a rare breed of chicken with …
Why would you mess with an alligator? He must be insane. These suckers are fast and very smart. Look at …
I haven’t added to the collection of gun control humor since way back in August. So let’s rectify that oversight, starting with this …
Know anything about firearms? Anything at all? You know more than this bunch! Couple of duplicated items but it’s worth …
Say what you want about the conservative, churchgoing Grahams of Lexington County, S.C., but we knew how to cut loose …
Oliver Winchester was born in Boston, on November 30, 1810. He started his career with a clothing company based out …
Thanksgiving is the oldest national holiday in the United States. However, its observation is not a continuous presence in American history. …
Francis Pegahmagabow was not only the most successful sniper of World War 1, but he is also among the most …
Tropical Storm Imelda hammered Southeast Texas hard, dropping nearly four feet of rain into homes and businesses. One of those …
When Joshua Jack got an email from his employer saying they needed to discuss his future with the company, he …
A man wearing a TV on his head has left nearly 60 TVs on porches all over a Richmond, VA …
Can you swim in a pool of jello? Seems like a pretty easy thing to find out. But as you …
It’s not the most pressing question in the world at the moment, but it’s a fun one. Come on along …
At it’s peak, a peregrine falcon can reach top speeds in excess of 200 miles per hour. Here you can …
It looks like the world’s biggest ball pit. But it’s actually a very ingenious way the L.A. water authority discovered …
Is bigger always better? Check out these super tiny WORKING firearms. A desert eagle, a tommy gun and a tiny …
Judge for yourself. Does this Colorado woman’s security camera footage show an alien dancing in her driveway? The video has …
My favorite road rage of the week goes to these brawlers in Lynchburg, VA — Busted Coverage (@bustedcoverage) April …
Venezuelan dictator @NicolasMaduro released a video to scare off US Marines in case the US attempts to take him out. …
by Dan Mitchell I realize that mocking socialism is like taking candy from a baby, but I have several items to …
Do you know who the first president was? What about the 5th, the 20th, or the 32nd, president? In honor …
We live in the Age of the Lecture; an era in which virtually every forum or opportunity for communicating, becomes …
One man’s catch is another bird’s meal, apparently. Incredible video shows a bald eagle stealing a fisherman’s first catch on …
A Florida woman been sentenced to probation in a case that began when she pulled an alligator out of her …
Mike Rowe has a Facebook series where he travels across the country in search of remarkable people making a difference …
Hilarious! These genius thieves fall for the most obvious trap when they try to rob a vape store.