This is an Opinion piece from our friends at the think tank, Americans for Limited Government. They argue that a Southern border …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
This is an Opinion piece from our friends at the think tank, Americans for Limited Government. They argue that a Southern border …
So you got your CCW. Ask yourself, why did you get it? It’s to defend yourself and your loved ones, …
Pulling that trigger is something you need to have thought about BEFORE you ever have to do it. Could you …
Thanks to US Carry, a great resource for firearms owners, we have pretty much up-to-date permit maps that show you which …
I’m sure that social justice warriors would call me out for featuring this article on the grounds I’m being racist or anti-multi-cultural …
How British Liberals have reacted to yesterday’s election result in the UK. What happened? Theresa May called an election seeking a …
When I was little, mom would leave detailed lists of chores on the kitchen counter each summer morning for my …
Today we honor the Greatest Generation who answered the call to defend Europe and Western Civilization. The contribution by the …
They have been described as the “world’s happiest animal.” You might have seen photo of a Quokka trying to get in …
This video is amazing. Watch as a couple stumble across a snake and alarm it. As a defensive mechanism, the …
ANANYA VINAY DECLARED CHAMPION OF THE 2017 SCRIPPS NATIONAL SPELLING BEE NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Ananya Vinay, a 12-year-old speller from Fresno, California, …
We’ve always had robust political debate in this country. The First Amendment is a great enabler of free-ranging thought and …
VERY DANGEROUS POSSIBLY ILLEGAL This is a hoot! But probably not something you should make at home and definitely don’t …
2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the United States’ entrance into World War I. My great grandfather, Harold Schuler, …
It may sound crazy, but rattlesnakes don’t really want to bite you. In fact, they can be downright friendly. Watch …
Nick Offerman loves single malt whisky so much, he decided to open up his own single malt whisky stand in …
When I finished revising and updating Winning Through Intimidation, I felt pretty confident that there were no glaring errors in …
When I asked a colleague if he knew about fidget spinners, he responded: “I’d never heard of them until last …
One of Saturday Night Live’s most popular skits in the early 90s was a mock self-help show called “Daily Affirmation …
Diamond and Silk stay true to their man. In this video they get to the nitty gritty of Comey and …
I had to smile when I saw the end-of-week tallies for the Worst Nightmare quiz we ran on our emails …
The Amazon Echo Silver is specifically designed for the Greatest Generation. It’s super loud, and it responds to any name …
Remember how kids used to be able to play with you guns? And somehow grew up to be decent people! …
You don’t know what’s going to happen if the SHTF. You may be thrown in with all types of fellow …
One of the most important things to consider when buying a house is the quality of the grocery district. As …
When I graduated from high school a number of years ago, there were a few – but only a few …
When it comes to discussion of public schools, all too often battle lines seem to be drawn between those on …
You know America is the best country on Earth when you can be paid to catch alligators all day. The …
We like anyone whose website is this: The Hudson H9 is a semi-automatic pistol made by Hudson Manufacturing which was …