The Daily Mail is reporting another country has been hit by the Black Death outbreak in Madagascar. Neighboring countries are …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
The Daily Mail is reporting another country has been hit by the Black Death outbreak in Madagascar. Neighboring countries are …
There have been several articles circulating over the past several weeks pertaining to the Biological Weapons capability of North Korea, …
Madagascar is a large island off SE Africa. It frequently reports cases of bubonic and pneumonic plague which are spread by rodents …
Do you have what it takes to survive a nuclear blast, EMP attack or viral pandemic? These ladies do. In …
Survival Lily shows us how she has equipped her car to deal with most emergencies. Can you think of anything …
North Korea is drawing up plans for a nuclear attack on the United States that can not only be carried …
I’ve been running links to Reddit posts all week. This is another outstanding example of the peer-to-peer assistance we can give …
This is hysterical! But kudos to both the National Guard and the Redneck Army, and all the other down-home volunteers …
Texas shows us how people rush to help not hurt each other when the worst happens. In a stunning moment …
As if the poor people of Houston didn’t have enough to suffer, here come the fire ants. During and after …
There are a lot of reasons why people prep for disasters, but there’s one reason that’s far more popular than …
Everyone needs a stormproof safe room. Here’s how to make one that meets FEMA minimums. (If you want a stronger safe …
Recent tensions with North Korea have put the U.S. power grid on the front page. Former Chief of the Central …
Melanie Teplinsky, cybersecurity expert and adjunct professor at American University’s Washington College of Law, explains the lifecycle of a zero …
Many Americans (but not Self-Reliance Central readers!) have never heard of EMP (which is short for electromagnetic pulse), much …
As the waters in Louisiana continue to rise, over a thousand motorists stranded by the flood have been stuck on Interstate 12 …
As a south Louisiana native who lived through Hurricane Katrina, I have every right to be aggravated with the national …
A police officer stands in front of the University of Texas tower, from which a sniper 50 years ago launched …
The Squirrel says: Self-Reliance Central has brought you information before on a naturally occurring EMP but right now we’re growing concerned about the …
Emergency water storage and purification Following are recommendations for storing and purifying water supplies. The minimum drinking water supply is …
Aftereffects Be prepared for additional earth movements called “aftershocks.” Although most of these are smaller than the main earthquake, some …
Indoor safety There are actions you can take, even while an earthquake is happening, that will reduce your chances of …
This is the first in a short series of earthquake tips. If you live in an earthquake prone area, be …
In extreme emergencies, sewage systems may not be functioning. During these times it may be necessary to create a temporary, …