Hamas issued a “Declaration of General Mobilization” Tuesday in what an expert warned was an “unambiguous call to arms” after Israel …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Hamas issued a “Declaration of General Mobilization” Tuesday in what an expert warned was an “unambiguous call to arms” after Israel …
There has been widespread praise for the bodyguard who immediately reacted to kick away a bomb before putting himself in …
Podcaster Niels Jorgensen, then a New York City firefighter, has stories to share about THAT day. Sept. 11, 2001, is …
Julio Rosas, a senior writer for Townhall, was at the Capitol on Wednesday when violence broke out as supporters of …
Shelby Talcott, a reporter for The Daily Caller, has been covering protests in the weeks since the death of George …
They just want milk and bread according to AOC. https://t.co/6dAfUSr7yz — Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) July 23, 2020 This street violence …
I made a 20min video explaining exactly how to set up a cheap burner phone ($99 Nokia 1.3 with prepaid …
WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE AND ACTION An Antifa protestor was shot on Jun 15, 2020 as protesters in New Mexico’s largest …
Last night: “We just drove downtown Coeur d’Alene. It is packed with armed citizens. I’ve never seen so many AR-15s …
By Robert Romano America is on the brink. In the wake of the murder and manslaughter of George Floyd by former …
Law enforcement officials from across the country have reached out to Law Enforcement Today asking them to warn police across …
Another day, another email from James O’Keefe at Project Veritas. Dear Kelly, We released a video yesterday exposing Antifa’s violent …
This is how a country that experienced decades of Soviet communist dictatorship and control. They get that Antifa is far …
I got an email from James O’Keefe at Project Veritas this morning. He said this: Project Veritas has been investigating …
Have you ever been caught in a riot? As DC just demonstrated, it can happen anywhere. Our security expert, Mike …
From Seton: The joint we run – is called Less Government. We want…less government. The mission statement pretty much writes itself. …
Watch these videos carefully. I counted eight people prepared to unholster and shoot this creep. Play this every time someone …
An Ohio animal rights activist has been arrested and charged for an insane rampage in which she stabbed a woman …
I started reading this article tongue-in-cheek. But if you can do math, it’s actually a serious analysis, done with just …
The U.S. military released footage from the raid that took out terrorist mastermind (or austere religious scholar if you work …
A British SAS officer armed with a shotgun took out five ISIS fighters in seven seconds in a raid on …
The FBI is currently tracking 850 suspected domestic terrorists, and as many as 60 percent could be linked to Antifa …
A Florida man “triggered” by the sight of an American flag was arrested while on his way to an elementary …
Less than a minute: Way too little time for police to arrive. The only way to limit the carnage – …
Terrorists fighting for the Islamic State in Afghanistan released photos this week of themselves slicing off the head of a …
Islamic State terrorists issued a call this week for followers to strike San Francisco and New York, as well as …
Defending America’s borders may seem to be an easy job. But don’t tell this Coastguardsman who leaped aboard a moving …
It has long been my contention that the lie-laced, entitlement-based, infantile grievance protests of college students is part of a …
One year after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 students and staff dead, Kyle Kashuv and Andrew …
Authorities and school officials either failed to act or were unclear about procedures when confronting the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High …