It was announced last week that scientists have used stem cells to create structures that resemble human embryos in the …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
It was announced last week that scientists have used stem cells to create structures that resemble human embryos in the …
Commercially available data from cars, phones and web browsers rivals results from wiretaps, cyber espionage and physical surveillance. A newly …
Cost-effective energy is essential to human flourishing. In the book Green Tyranny—a fantastic history of the environmental alarmism movement—author Rupert Darwall …
March 2022: A ship carrying 4,000 luxury cars sank in the Atlantic after a fire. Lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles …
A popular talking point among green energy evangelists is that gas, oil, and coal are, in large part, successful because they are …
This “video” is doing the rounds on social media. It purports to be Bob Geldof. In fact this video is …
Most people can tell you the worst car they’ve owned. For me, the award goes to the 1994 Saturn SL2. …
When a family of three moved into the newly built Dover Sun House in 1948, it was more than a …
We are excited to share that we have received the FDA’s approval to launch our first-in-human clinical study! This is …
In case you’re not a Twitter user (I take one for the team here. Twitter is very often days ahead …
Consumers are dropping cable TV in favor of more affordable online streaming services, but cable has a lifeline. Charter Spectrum, …
The computer chip shortage that took place at the end of 2020 made everyone realize that the most cutting-edge, or …
Please take a few minutes and watch this absolutely astonishing piece from Russell Brand @rustyrockets. And let me know if …
As the left makes another move to make our lives more miserable with yet another rule on energy consumption in …
This has been badly translated and dubbed but it’s a quick and easy way to show new drivers a few …
Kids these days are addicted to technology which is beyond their parents control. It’s affecting their brains without their own …
Having learned to type on a manual typewriter in high school, it never occurred to me that it would someday …
The process of cloud seeding involves finding clouds under the right weather conditions—such as moisture, temperature, and direction of movement. …
Chile, the world's second largest producer of lithium, announces its plan to nationalize the industry — Reuters (@Reuters) …
A group of researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil have grown microalgae under controlled conditions in …
In the darkness of space … something is coming. In fact, it’s coming right for the International Space Station… …which …
The Biden administration has proposed new auto emissions rules with the goal of achieving two-thirds of the new US car …
Fascinating! A BBC interviewer called James Clayton pulled off the coup of the year when he asked Elon Musk, the …
Watch Ameca jump around the language world in this video. It uses AI, artificial intelligence, and we’re all wondering how …
I just got a call that, interestingly, muted itself so it could leave a voicemail message claiming I had made …
Exclusive: A geothermal startup showed its wells can be used like a giant underground battery. If these field results work …
In February 2010, NASA launched the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a first-of-its-kind spacecraft with one job to do: study the sun. …
In Scotland! One of the windiest places on the planet! Dozens of giant turbines at Scots windfarms were powered by …
A Union Pacific freight train carrying iron ore derailed near the small town of Kelso in California with its crew …
Most batteries have a positive end made of graphite and a negative end, or cathode, made of a combination of …