This technique is good for eggs straight from the chicken and is a good way to store them long term. …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
This technique is good for eggs straight from the chicken and is a good way to store them long term. …
I found this on Facebook and liked the idea, was I haven’t done it this way I’d be curious to …
If you have a lot of Mason jars, remember they are useful for much more than just canning food. You …
This is from Daisy at Organic Prepper. She has a great site. A frugal Christmas dinner…that doesn’t sound like much …
In the event of a military attack, power outage, or a national disaster, you may need long-term emergency food supplies. …
There are several grain staples that can be stored for long periods of time when packaged properly. These are the …
From the Seasonal Homesteader. A glimpse of what preserving a year’s supply of food looks like. This isn’t a comprehensive …
You’ve taken the time to prepare and can your own food, then you’ve stored them away on the pantry shelf… …
Terrific video that’s calming, well-researched and knowledgable. If you home can or or are thinking about it, watch this.
Moisture in food encourages bugs and adds weight. Drying out food is an ancient and delicious way to preserve a …
Some of these tips solve problems no one really has like buying a special item to slice bananas. But some …
A butcher shop in Kentucky is helping those in need, thanks to a partnership with deer hunters and food banks. …
Mold can slowly destroy your food supplies if you let it. It’s a huge waste of both money and time, …
It is estimated that nearly 40% of all food ends up wasted. A lot of that is because people don’t …
This is the season for canning! As we gather our harvests for the year to store for winter, it’s important …
Coffee is an important survival item! Well, for some it is, for others, maybe not. But even without electricity, we …
Dear Kelly Did you ever wonder how food was kept fresh in the days before refrigeration? It involved “putting up” …
How barrels are made for aging wine, bourbon, Scotch, and other spirits. Kelvin Cooperage in Lousiville, Kentucky makes new barrels …
One of these sourdough starters goes back to the Klondike Gold Rush! According to Karl De Smedt, the man behind …
You likely already keep a supply of basics like vegetables, fruits, meats, poultry, and grains in your freezer. Some items …
You can make your own vanilla extract for a small fortune! 12 vanilla pods and some vodka. Mind you, it …
This is an excellent primer on canning meat. The lady is a great teacher (although the very last instructions about …
You’ve likely got a nice supply of canned goods in your pantry and food storage inventory, but how long do …
Can’t eat cheese? Miss grating an extra taste over your pasta sauce or salad? Try cured egg yolk. It’s salty …
Imagine no refrigeration. How would you keep your eggs fresh? Here are some techniques you may not have considered. And …
Home canning is an excellent way to preserve garden produce and share it with family and friends. But it can …
Salt: It’s a great preservative and adds years to the shelf-life of foods. Note that some of the salty canned goods …
And it’s easy. Just put your fresh tomatoes in a cake or roasting pan, smother with olive oil, season with salt …
It’s fruit season. Now’s a great time to discover the delights of home canning, wherever you live. For a great …