Because factory-packaged foods tend to have lower nutritional content than fresh foods, it’s a good idea to have multivitamin …

Health insurance rates set to go up half as much again in some states
Occasionally we post news items from reputable sources. This article comes from the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. This look …
What patients gain by reading their doctors’ notes
During a recent physical, Jeff Gordon’s doctor told him he may be pre-diabetic. It was a quick mention, mixed in …
How to make your own soap
Homemade Soap This is a nice body and face soap and it is also luxurious and gentle. It’s a lot …
What to do: Extreme cases of hot and cold
Heatstroke Get the victim out of the heat. Loosen tight clothing. Remove perspiration soaked clothing. Apply cool, wet cloths to …
Tick-tock, it’s Tick time: How to avoid Lyme disease
You may think your risk of getting Lyme disease ends when the weather starts to cool, but by Fall, adult …

High blood pressure: stopping a common killer
Roughly 29% of Americans suffer from high blood pressure. Hypertension can lead directly to heart disease, strokes, and kidney failure, …

F.A.S.T. — Warning signs of stroke
THINK YOU ARE HAVING A STROKE? CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY! F.A.S.T. is an easy way to remember the sudden signs of …

Sleep aids: Know the downside
Sleep aids are common solution for those suffering from insomnia and are often recommended by doctors for those experiencing mild …

Heartburn: What to take, what to avoid, when to give in.
Although the name may imply the heart, heartburn has absolutely nothing to do with the heart itself. Heartburn is pain …

I can’t sleep! How to treat insomnia
Everyone spends a night struggling to fall asleep at some point in their life. But for many, this insomnia can …

Panama: America’s new hospital
Medicine and medical care has become exorbitantly expensive in the United States. The federal government has created a cartel of …

How to spot melanoma
Check your body before you hit the summer season and expose yourself to the sun. Remember, melanoma is a young …
How to avoid these super-perceptive water predators
OK, we know they can be used for good in a sterile, medical environment, but mostly we hate them. Nasty …
Kicking that cold and stopping your runny nose
The most common symptom for cold sufferers is a runny nose. A really bad runny nose can make it hard …

DIY: Care for sprains
Common causes for sprains and strains are falls, twisting a limb, sports injuries and over- exertion. A sprain results from …
DIY: Dealing with seizures
Although they aren’t terribly common, sometime in your life you may come across someone having a seizure, be it due …
Respiratory precautions against wildfire smoke
Wildfire. It can happen fast. And when dry brush and fallen foliage goes up, there’s a lot of smoke with the …

DIY: Dealing with dental issues on the go
Though not normally life-threatening, we all know that toothaches and pains in the mouth can be some of the most excruciating to …
They looked in the dirt and found a cure – Includes radio interview
As we all know, pathogens are developing resistance to antibiotics faster than pharmaceutical companies can bring stronger ones to market. …

Know which substances numb your survival senses
We don’t just rely on our senses of smell and taste to let us fully enjoy the flavors of foods and drinks, …

Fighting acne without spending big
You’ve probably seen those commercials for Proactiv on TV before – the ones with the actresses bragging about how much …
Saving the world…one napkin at a time
Naturally Cozy, a family based company working out of Idaho, has found a new homemade product for the market that …
Homemade remedy for the common cold
Must we go to a doctor to clear up a case of the cold? In serious cases, perhaps a trip …
Free Gift For All Our Followers!
Check out our new Self-Reliance Pamphlet, 1,001 Uses for Household Items! Inside you’ll find tips such as: 1) Spray snow …
Make your own lotion
Make Your Own — Lotion Bars Making your own lotion is a great idea if your skin is sensitive as …
Skin Deep
Outdoor activities in the summer can be particularly hard on the skin. Here are the most common sources of …
Strength training for older women
Strength training for older women If you’re over 65 and you think that strength training is not for you, it’s …
Get Clearer Skin With Homemade Ingredients
This video shows you how to make your own pore strips instead of buying expensive creams and scrubs from pharmacies. …
Retail health solutions
The free market economy can be relied on to come up with a solution to most problems. In the case …