Another day, another email from James O’Keefe at Project Veritas. Dear Kelly, We released a video yesterday exposing Antifa’s violent …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Another day, another email from James O’Keefe at Project Veritas. Dear Kelly, We released a video yesterday exposing Antifa’s violent …
I got an email from James O’Keefe at Project Veritas this morning. He said this: Project Veritas has been investigating …
Was it all coincidental – or was there a larger plan at work here? We all know Antifa is NOT …
Have you ever been caught in a riot? As DC just demonstrated, it can happen anywhere. Our security expert, Mike …
Reasonable force is one thing – this man is not resisting arrest and should not have been subjected to this …
Floods, snow, Coronavirus-related shutdowns, lack of field and processing workers, collapse in commercial demand – you name it, the American …
Isn’t it strange that this original tweet was shared extensively around the world, with millions of views yet at no …
VIDEO: This is why we have the 2nd Amendment. Gun control advocates would prefer this woman be raped or killed. …
I started reading this article tongue-in-cheek. But if you can do math, it’s actually a serious analysis, done with just …
A Mexican mayor was tied to a truck and dragged through the streets by citizens angry over shoddy roads. “Jorge …
Maybe you aren’t in a wilderness survival situation all of the time. Maybe you are just trying to survive your …
Efforts by Communist China’s army to put down Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests are running into a stumbling block: basic science. …
This is why parents should conceal carry. — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) August 30, 2019 Watch as this insane bitch …
(Natural News) In trying to come up with a plan for when everything hits the fan, many folks end up stumbling …
It has long been my contention that the lie-laced, entitlement-based, infantile grievance protests of college students is part of a …
These Brazilian women are tough and savvy. This looks like an experienced criminal attack which is brilliantly thwarted by a …
One year after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 students and staff dead, Kyle Kashuv and Andrew …
Investigators have now charged Ramiro Gutierrez, 26, who police say is a member of the violent MS-13 street gang, with …
A woman shot and killed 19-year-old man, after he tried to rob her in the Fernwood neighborhood on the Far …
Kelly: I’m thrilled to introduce Mike McMaken, a regular Self-Reliance Central reader and all-round good guy. Mike is a US Army …
The last person Simon Smith thought he’d meet at a local bar was the driver of the Number 17 bus. …
Here’s an idea to share with all the people you know who don’t have a home security system, but do …
Once again, America was dealt a sickening gut-punch by a mass murder in a public high school. The classroom avenger …
Tech Exec Doomsday Preppers: Protecting Themselves from the Automation Monster They Created “Doomsday Preppers,” An American reality series that ran …
Elizabeth Englander, Bridgewater State University After a shooter killed 17 people at a Florida high school, many have expressed frustration …
Survival books, websites, and other resources have long focused on survival tips for the young and able, but what about …
This is hysterical! But kudos to both the National Guard and the Redneck Army, and all the other down-home volunteers …
This is insane. You’d think someone would have seen this, or commented, or some busybody would have interfered or vandals …
Texas shows us how people rush to help not hurt each other when the worst happens. In a stunning moment …
As if the poor people of Houston didn’t have enough to suffer, here come the fire ants. During and after …