Yelp on Sept 16 released its latest Economic Impact Report, revealing business closures across the U.S. are increasing as a …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Yelp on Sept 16 released its latest Economic Impact Report, revealing business closures across the U.S. are increasing as a …
As I think I have mentioned before @Jack, that’s Jack Dorsey who owns Twitter doesn’t like conservatives. And he hates …
She can make Flutter Nutters! This is a NASA video. In her final days as Commander of the International Space …
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a rare, heavy and immensely valuable asteroid called “16 Psyche” in the Solar System’s …
The biggest World War II bomb ever found in Poland exploded underwater Tuesday, October 13, as navy divers tried to …
Mark is being busy again. This is a fascinating look (and fun use!) at the same effect that gives us …
Usually, containers have inert missiles in them, but this S-530 French air-to-air missile had explosives on it – although it …
AAF Training Film “The B-29 Flight Engineer” from WW2 takes us back to a different world and not just the …
Watch this video ad and you will see mini geo-tracking devices embedded in surgical masks, like the ones we’re all …
You know, these are tax dollars I don’t mind spending!
by Dan Mitchell When I wrote yesterday that Trump’s overall rating on economic policy was “bad,” a few people wrote to complain. I …
Congress in 2008 passed the Qualified Plug-In Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit to make electric vehicles more affordable, thereby encouraging …
This week, our hero is Willis Haviland Carrier, the American engineer who created the first modern air conditioning unit. The …
We wrote here and below about the possibility of catastrophic floods in China when their much vaunted Three Gorges Dam …
After digging up hundreds of samples of frozen soil in Siberia, a group of researchers took the permafrost sections back …
When a paedophile or rapist films their crime, professor Sue Black can track them down using nothing more than the …
With all this anarchy and the increasing chance of a CME from the Sun (Electroverse) losing power becomes a very …
Video conferencing service Zoom went down yesterday with users complaining of freezing, as well as audio and video glitches and problems admitting …
Settle in and strap in. You are about to enjoy a ride in the Bugatti Chiron. This is Bugatti’s replacement …
A four-legged robot will be patrolling this park in Singapore to remind people of safe distancing measures starting from Friday (May 8). …
By CFACT Bill Lynch, Dr. Jay Lehr During the Obama Administration a regulation was passed requiring all automobile manufacturers to achieve an …
The new update on Facebook has been tracking everything you’re doing on your phone or PC Since April 1st (though …
The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred 36 years ago, on Saturday 26 April 1986, at the No. 4 nuclear reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power …
There are many lessons for our country to learn from the Chinese coronavirus both from a public health perspective as …
This Mexican researcher has discovered a way to turn cactus leaves into a material with similar properties to plastic. It …
When the nation asks there are always good people prepared to step up and help. Right now there’s a shortage …
It seems amazing to me now that Americans were reluctant to welcome these warriors back from the war. It’s time …
How an American muscle car became a wartime hero In the early 1990s, a former Danish special forces soldier felt …
Not only are they temperamental and can’t function when it’s too windy or not windy enough, but they pollute the …
A closer look at solar panels opens a wide array of questions that need answers. A Popular Choice Solar panels …