So this guy turned his head in while sitting outside a coffee shop for moment and some lowlife stole it. …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
So this guy turned his head in while sitting outside a coffee shop for moment and some lowlife stole it. …
One of our regular readers tipped me off to the six-stroke engine and its potential for fuel efficiency and lower …
The Competitive Enterprise Institute is an important think tank battling meddlesome government, climate nonsense and cronyism. I am a big …
From Anil Polat, a computer security engineer who obviously travels a lot, comes this useful map of WiFi passwords for …
At the headquarters of Cloudflare, in San Francisco, there’s a wall of lava lamps: the Entropy Wall. They’re used to …
Scientists are still working on self-driving cars that eliminate human error and failings. Until then, the YouTube automotive experts at …
Here’s a great idea. it’s inspired by nature, and delivers clean and decentralized energy at a low cost, without harming the …
Elijah was born in Canada in 1843 to two fugitive slaves. He became one of the great innovators of the …
ESA’s Gaia mission has produced the richest star catalogue to date, including high-precision measurements of nearly 1.7 billion stars and …
These robotic birds are like scarecrows in the sky. They can we used to keep real birds away from sensitive …
“Manipulating video with convincing reenactment.” This takes neutral video of a target and transfers expressions and words from an actor …
Is the pen mightier than the scalpel? Although a surgeon’s goal is to remove cancer in its entirety during excision …
(BPT) – A hundred years ago, few thought that the clunky automobile that broke down so often would ever replace …
A few weeks ago, we ran a piece that suggested robots would kick eight types of worker out of a …
Since the very first science fiction hit the shelves, the world has fantasized about flying objects. For nearly a century, …
This is a really cheap way to secure your perimeter. It would give you the heads-up if a predator (animal …
There’s a post making the rounds on Facebook with an urgent message telling people that if you are pulled over …
Are you a radio ham? That’s the slang for an amateur radio user. In the US you must pass a …
Yakhchāl is Persian for ice pit and it’s an ancient type of evaporative cooler. Above ground, the structure has a domed shape with …
Hans Monderman, the Dutch traffic engineer, observed that when the power went out to a set of traffic lights, accidents …
Wow, the daily news is grim. Civilization is collapsing all around us. Corruption is everywhere. The political parties are falling …
Supersonic flight has existed for 70 years, but until now, it hasn’t been efficient enough for routine travel. Boom’s airliner …
Leather is a material like no other. Since we first clothed ourselves in animal skins, leather has been prized for …
We’re always hearing terrible stories of “bleaching” of the world’s coral reefs. Mostly the stories are full of doom and …
Beware! LONGBOAT KEY, Fla. (WFLA) — A vacation rental on Longboat Key had a hidden camera secretly recording guests in …
By Printus LeBlanc Earlier this week, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry sent a proposed rule change to the Federal Energy …
Reddit user voicesinmyhand made a very good point about planning for survival after a cataclysmic event. You can be prepared for any …
According to this designer, to have a truly smart home the tech needs to be integrated from the inside out. …
Zello is a very valuable app during times of natural disasters, search and rescue, or community events. It gives you free …