When America’s first red light camera system was installed in Jackson, Mississippi in 1992, it was hailed as the beginning …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
When America’s first red light camera system was installed in Jackson, Mississippi in 1992, it was hailed as the beginning …
The name of a Navy veteran may be cleared after he was convicted, fined, and imprisoned for digging ponds in …
Every so often, I’ll see a story (or sometimes even just a photo, a court decision, or a phrase) that sums up the …
Jim Ficken is a 69-year-old retiree living in a modest two-bedroom, one-bathroom home in Dunedin, Florida. It’s about half an …
My friend in Australia, Topher Field is a political activist. He doesn’t have a political label, he just rails against …
The Cold War years of the 1960s gave rise to two very different cinematic characterizations of spies – the debonair …
CNN’s Chief International Anchor Christiane Amanpour caused a lot of dentures to end up on the floor recently when she …
Information has taken on a whole new meaning in the digital age, a time when sensitive data is either too …
“He.” “She.” “They.” Have you ever given a moment’s thought to your everyday use of these pronouns? It has probably …
UPDATE: SCOTUS overturned decision upholding Robertson’s conviction and remanded the case so that the indictment could be dismissed and the …
Native American @mikaela_bearpaw PERFECTLY explains why government dependence destroys communities & cultures. She says, “I want my children to inherit …
By Bob Barr The chemical DNA — or as it is more scientifically but less-commonly known, deoxyribonucleic acid — was …
Prior to 1968, most adults in the United States could purchase a firearm without state interference. Guns were available in local …
Sprint-T-Mobile will help bring 5G nationwide and transform the U.S. economy forever. By Robert Romano At the Feb. 13 hearing of the U.S. …
The Franchi SPAS-12 is a combat shotgun manufactured by Italian firearms company Franchi from 1979 to 2000. The SPAS-12 is …
We less government types – want less government everywhere. By that we mean – we want our government to do …
At the very pinnacle of the modern progressive program to make government competent stands the ideal of a professionalized, career …
Bureaucrats decreed this couple’s home to be unsafe because they weren’t using city utilities. Then they ordered this veteran and …
The New York Times unleashed a Christmas Eve “investigative” report on the use of credit cards by sick individuals who …
Taking too long to load the video? – click here to watch As we all know, most buyback programs are …
By Former Congressman Bob Barr: Nearly 30 years ago, a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, appearing in a sci-fi movie, Total Recall, walked …
Poop in California is a direct result of a failure in local government. And NIMBYs (Not in my backyard). Back …
When a naked intruder broke into the Aurora, Colorado home of Richard Black in the middle of the night , …
When the National Wildlife Federation speaks out, the nation usually listens. It’s America’s oldest and largest conservation organization, fighting on the …
Since I focus on public finance, I think California is crazy because of punitive taxes and reckless spending policies. But …
Another weekend, another lemonade stand shut down. Last Memorial Day weekend, the city of Denver brought us the story of …
Contributed by former Congressman Bob Barr Next time you board a commercial airliner, be careful not to sweat too much, glance …
URGH!!! Zoning laws. I’m in the middle of a fight with the Zoning Gods and I can tell you as …
The other day my daughter, who is moving to Canada, and I were car-hunting at a Volkswagen dealership. During our …
This was one of the most significant events in American history. In 1906, a man named Willis Havilland Carrier from …