Gramma and Ginga are a 102 year old and 97 year old sisters who have become internet stars thanks to …
Cheap Fixes: How to not go blind watching a Total Solar Eclipse
Don’t go blind looking at the sun during the eclipse. I remember as a kid my dad smoked glass with …
Have you been pwned? Has your online account been compromised?
Troy Hunt, a web security expert, created Have I been pwned? as a free resource for people to quickly assess …
The greatest Eclipse video of all time? Alaska Airlines thinks so!
Alaska Airlines adjusted Flight #870 from Anchorage to Honolulu on March 8, 2016 just so their passengers could catch the …
I Went to Charlottesville During the Protests. Here’s What I Saw.
I picked quite a time to go on a weekend trip to Charlottesville. What was supposed to be a nice …
This is the Real Reason Your iPhone Cables Break
Apple products look great. Whatever else you think of the company, there’s little doubt that Apple uses high-end materials to …
How to make your own lump charcoal
If you’re allowed to have a bonfire in your yard, try this great way to use old wood. You get …
Spit-powered Biobatteries: Origami diagnostics in remote areas
Origami, the ancient art of folding paper into fanciful shapes and figures, may seem like an unlikely way to uncover …
We’ve got your backs, girlfriends!
I know you all love Diamond and Silk, the sisters (biological) from Fayetteville, N.C. who are super-Trump supporters. Their YouTube …
‘Peanut butter’ test can help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease
An estimated 5.2 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease in 2014, and around 500,000 seniors die each year because of it. …
How to make your own cleaning products from scratch and save a fortune
Painted Walls and Woodwork Use one of the following to wash painted surfaces: 1/4 cup ammonia and 1 gal warm …
Making a dugout canoe from scratch!
The Birth Of A Dugout Canoe by Northmen This is a documentary movie uncovering the difficult and time consuming process …
Fantastic story of man helping whale.
James Moskito and other brave volunteer divers work to free a drowning humpback whale entangled in crab nets and a …
How Government Wrecked the Gas Can
The gas gauge broke. There was no smartphone app to tell me how much was left, so I ran out. …
VIDEO: Man lays foundations for cabin from wilderness materials.
This amazing Canadian lays the foundations for his own log cabin using salvaged materials. Watch as he starts building his log …
Neil Cavuto destroys entitled college student
Holy Moly, not only does she get “equitable” wrong, she has zero sense of economics. Can someone tell me why …
MIT student invents wearable sticker that detects sexual assault
A new wearable technology developed by a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology aims to help save people from sexual assault. …
How to hot wire your old car
This is an old but good video. It explains how modern electronic vehicles are super-difficult to hot wire, but if …
The Dumbest Laws in Each of the 50 States
In recent weeks, we’ve seen 5-year-olds fined for selling lemonade, pet sitters ticketed for watching cats without a permit, teens handcuffed for selling …
4 ways the government can take your Social Security
For many seniors, Social Security is their primary source of income during retirement. So if it is interrupted or garnished …
Protect Your bank account from getting robbed or seized
There’s an odd sense of fear going around the financial world. It’s almost as though no one can believe that …
Thermite – The military’s newest “old’ weapon
Thermite is a ‘pyrotechnic composition’ of metal powder, fuel and metal oxide. When ignited by heat to around 4000F, thermite …
Disaster: Get your apartment or dorm stash ready
Apartment Stash Food is one of the most pressing concerns in a survival situation. If the unthinkable should happen, you …
How to sink a well and secure your personal water supply
I found this nifty set of instructions on Wiki-How. Personally, we have a metal well pump sunk on our property and we’re …
Worst firearms instructor. Ever.
If it wasn’t so terrifying to watch, it would be hysterical. Count along with the ticker as it records his …
PSA: Gun Shop Don’ts. (Seriously, we need to say this???)
Don’t pull out your weapons out in a gun shop! Keep them holstered! (Apparently LEOs are bad for this. Who …
Man is confronted for having nice car and “White Privilege.” Deals with it beautifully.
Whether Mike Cernovitch deals with the issue of “White Privilege” here or not is irrelevant. (Apparently just being white means …
USMC veteran turned cop dives into Amish buggy!
A group of police officers in Wooster, Ohio were involved in a relatively “high speed” chase with an Amish buggy …
The Deep State – Is it time to fire them all?
The entire National Security Council staff should be fired by Robert Romano So, apparently, the President’s conversations with foreign leaders, including …
10 smart power-outage hacks for homeowners
(BPT) – It’s storm season across the United States, and with the wind and rain also comes power outages. No …