John Walker, who left his California home to join the Taliban, was hardly the first American citizen to be seduced …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
John Walker, who left his California home to join the Taliban, was hardly the first American citizen to be seduced …
Australia has some enormous crocodiles. An elusive monster crocodile, thought to be one of the biggest on record, has been …
Ten years ago, former nightclub promoter Scott Harrison set out to solve the water crisis in his lifetime. Today, more …
Non-native snakes like pythons and constrictors have overrun many areas of South Florida, but the reasons they are there may …
Tornadoes are the most violent storms on Earth, with wind velocities that can exceed 200 miles per hour. How do …
Three home invaders try to rob an off duty cop and find out what active self protection really means. When …
We’ve done some digging and come across some of the best survival kits offered on Amazon, making the purchasing of …
A man opened fire on two would-be burglars after they broke into his Temple City auto repair shop Monday. One of …
Georgia grandmother DeDe Phillips had nothing but her strong will to live and her bare hands when she got …
The last person Simon Smith thought he’d meet at a local bar was the driver of the Number 17 bus. …
Rethinking Rural’s mission is to provide a network for leaders to cultivate and exchange ideas about rural communities, which they …
“When you make non gunpowder weapons at home, you are usually restricted to single shot contraptions or manual repeaters at …
Did you ever hear Bunker Buddies with Andie and Travis (Click to go to their website, it’s awesome.) They contacted me …
Flash floods struck a Maryland community wracked by similar flooding in 2016. The ’16 flood was labeled a ‘once in …
This is a great way for these Turkish people to communicate across the hills and valleys of their community. It’s …
I’ve (by Dan Mitchell) periodically featured folks on the left who have rejected gun control. In 2012, Jeffrey Goldberg admitted gun ownership …
We calculated how much money trees save for your city For a megacity, Tokyo is rich in trees. gillyberlin/flickr, CC …
This is how you build a well when the SHTF. This guy uses the clay dirt around the hole and …
Wow, what’s next, a lightning strike? Carried off by an eagle? Last week a Colorado man was attacked by a …
This is from the Alabama National Guard’s Facebook page. It probably makes most of us cringe. But not this guy. …
A gun is a tool. It’s an inanimate object. It does not possess human characteristics or emotions. And like any tool …
So, the virtue signalers at Citibank say they won’t do business with people who sell handguns to under-21s. Frankly, there …
There’s a very interesting UPDATE at the bottom of this article. Armed guard in Maryland, police in Texas remind the …
As you know, I am way more concerned about our cavalier attitude to inorganic resources than I am to re-growable, sustainable …
Alessa Love is the eldest of the three children of Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, and husband Jason Love. While students …
I did not know that Pfizer had stopped making antivenin (Microbus fulvius) for the Eastern Coral snake. Apparently it’s not …
When you fall through the ice your instincts can work against you. The natural response to ice cold is a …
Here’s an idea to share with all the people you know who don’t have a home security system, but do …
Once again, America was dealt a sickening gut-punch by a mass murder in a public high school. The classroom avenger …