A recent terrorist attack that blew up a major transmission line connected to the Pakistani national grid plunged more than …

Cyber attacks: Affecting everything from the national grid to pacemakers
As the recent power outage in Washington D.C. so aptly demonstrated, we’re not equipped to deal with serious power outages — …
How to break an attacker’s finger
Breaking a Finger Made Easy The following finger breaking technique – although it could stop an attacker – should be …
Using pressure points to your advantage
Control Point Pressure Tactic Control point pressure tactic. If someone tries to take you somewhere by grabbing your arm, hand, …

You should know this: How to avoid looking like a victim
Don’t let an attacker start on you Are you like a weak animal just waiting to be preyed upon? Is …
Bird hunting – How it’s done
Our friend Scott Singleton wrote this great guide to bird hunting for us: “As an avid outdoorsman, I am always …
DIY: How to butcher a deer
Why pay a shop to prepare your meat when you can do it yourself? There are just as many methods for …

Faraday Cages: Making one and how your microwave can help
Five years ago, we almost lost everything. Our entire power grid nearly fried. In 2012, our solar system experienced an …
Flash flood safety: Stay away from moving water
With the terrible news coming out of Texas we must remind ourselves that flooding is the most common type of …
You should know this: Psychology of survival
NATURAL REACTIONS Man has been able to survive many shifts in his environment throughout the centuries. His ability to adapt …
DIY: Making a heat tent
If you have to be out in the cold for an extended period of time, one way to warm up …
You should know this: How to spot drug users
You’re on the bus and the guy across from you has dilated eyes and can’t stop scratching his face. What …
DIY: Make a distress signal
Ground-to-air signs are used in times of distress. They are an internationally recognized emergency code that you could use anywhere …
DIY: How to track in the wild
Identifying wildlife tracks can be a great hobby for all seasons. Tracking is also a necessary skill for any serious …
You should know this: How burglars think
Burglary victims often wonder why the burglar picked on their house. To find out you need to consider: “How does …
DIY: Treating hypothermia
Here we look at hypothermia. Remember, these first aid suggestions are no substitute for getting a victim to a hospital …
DIY: Make a stone knife
A knife has three basic functions: – To puncture – To slash or chop – To cut A knife is …
Clouds: Foretellers of weather
About 200 years ago an Englishman classified clouds according to what they looked like to a person seeing them from …

DIY: Improvised compass
You can construct improvised compasses using a piece of ferrous metal that can be needle shaped or a flat double-edged …
You should know this: Car keys as security alarm
Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying …

Hurricane readiness: What to do before, during and after.
BEFORE HURRICANE STARTS Plan an evacuation route. (Ready.com) Contact your local emergency management office or American Red Cross chapter, and …

60% of Americans not practicing for disaster
FEMA is trying to scare people over weather-related disasters, which it claims are on the rise. But, despite our disdain …
How to avoid these super-perceptive water predators
OK, we know they can be used for good in a sterile, medical environment, but mostly we hate them. Nasty …
Conserving water at home
You don’t have to live in a drought area like California to know that saving water in the home makes …
Age and safe driving: Some tips
As we age, it’s normal for our driving abilities to change. By reducing risk factors and incorporating safe driving practices, …

Crossing water obstacles
Some water obstacles you may face include bogs, quagmire, muskeg, or quicksand. Do NOT try to walk across these. Trying to lift …

Survival basics: How to start a fire from scratch
You need three types of materials to build a fire: tinder, kindling, and fuel. Tinder is dry material that ignites …
Respiratory precautions against wildfire smoke
Wildfire. It can happen fast. And when dry brush and fallen foliage goes up, there’s a lot of smoke with the …
Why you really shouldn’t use that gasoline generator to power your computer
Bob Bly sent me a letter after Super Storm Sandy. Here it is. This may be the most important tip …
DIY: Checking and fixing your circuit breakers
After a power outage or any kind of damage to your fuse box, (especially if it’s outdoors), you’ll want to …