An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse’s origination may be a …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse’s origination may be a …
Concrete is the most commonly used construction material on earth, found in everything from roads and buildings to bridges and …
Ransomware is everyone’s nightmare and until the government, manufacturers and the OS producers emerge from the Dark Ages, we’re stuck dealing …
With this fruit we can make juices, cocktails…and also leather. This faux-leather is created from pineapple scraps and later biodegrades …
Most of us love the idea of being able to get out of Dodge. Well this method looks like a …
Most of the plastic six-pack rings end up in our oceans and pose a serious threat to wildlife. Saltwater Brewery, …
Last year one of our team had a terrifying viewpoint as torrential rains flooded the street outside his apartment block in seconds and …
Oil spills are an unavoidable part of our future on this planet. Until we no longer have to rely on …
He makes a meal of setting it up, but it’s not that long compared with say, getting a boat ready. …
I read this article in the London Evening Standard (which I found on Facebook, naturally) describing how Facebook makes decisions …
Love this. When the Pocket Shot is in use, it measures 5 inches long but the Pocket Shot measures only …
Solar power will be easier to install than ever before thanks to this innovation: the Roll-Array which rolls out like a carpet. This flexible …
New technologies are responsible for many of the advances, comforts and conveniences of modern life, from the smartphone to wearable …
You know I’m crazy about 3D Printing, or Additive Manufacturing as it’s called in the business. Well look at this …
Yes, there are quicker, cheaper, easier ways. But, come on? This is waaaay cool!
This is great news! My battery runs down really quickly on my phone as I have so many apps open …
As part of an international challenge Virginia Tech’s FutureHAUS research proposes an alternative to conventional construction: a pre-fab delivery method …
Retezár, an Austrian designer has invented a device that can extract water from the air and condense it into drinkable water. Called Fontus, it …
Although this item is intended for law enforcement, I thought you might like to learn more about this safety gadget. …
Your everyday router may be a vulnerable link in your home Wi-Fi network, allowing hackers to access personal information, sometimes …
I’m a sucker for pushing technology to the limits. I love the idea of a flying car although I’m sure …
Conventional cars are wasteful in the way they’re built and the way they’re operated. A startup called Divergent Microfactories has …
About the Seabin Project We have designed and made an automated rubbish bin that catches floating rubbish, oil, fuel …
A feature announced last week by Facebook will allow people who have split up with a spouse or partner to turn …
We love new innovations at Self-Reliance Central. This great idea from Australia is catching on around the world. (In Britain and Australia shopping …
Watch Catalin Alexandru Duru become the first person ever to break the Guinness World Records Title for the farthest journey …
This is a Chinese solution to the urban problem of car parking and security. Because space is always at a premium …
How about this little auto? By using a combination of lightweight materials and a unique aerodynamic body style, the three- …