What do you think? Are renewables the answer – or are they another, larger problem for down the road? When …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
What do you think? Are renewables the answer – or are they another, larger problem for down the road? When …
Solar energy is a rapidly growing market, which should be good news for the environment. Unfortunately there’s a catch. The …
22,000 people lost control of temperatures in their homes for hours in a Colorado heatwave. Temperatures climbed into the 90s …
Congressman Tom Massie is not just one of the smartest people in Congress he’s also a pioneering smallholder. His place …
The green left is vociferous. Like the cult it is, it refuses to hear anything against its Holy Grail of …
We have covered the massive scam that is wind turbine “green” power before here. This picture reminds us how ill-conceived …
According to spaceweather.com it’s 164 YEARS since: A billion-ton coronal mass ejection (CME) slammed into Earth’s magnetic field. Apparently, the skies …
Thorium is plentiful & can be used to generate energy without creating transuranic wastes. Thorium’s capacity as nuclear fuel was …
SUPERCUT! Dems to suffering Americans: Just buy Teslas, you poors! pic.twitter.com/abYMfv6w7J — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 11, 2022
As CNBC reports: The U.S. is expected to announce today that it will ban imports of Russian oil. The White House …
The increased price of oil alone has boosted Russian government revenues by enough to offset the Kremlin's entire military budget. …
This was sent to me by a reader. What I have checked appears to be true. Please let me know …
People are afraid of nuclear waste — so fearful, in fact, that it’s often enough to stop conversations about nuclear …
A week doesn’t pass without a mayor, governor, policymaker or pundit joining the rush to demand, or predict, an energy …
A British invention can use discarded nuclear waste to power the nation's entire power grid for 40 years. This amazing …
US States California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington have banned the sale of high-end gaming PCs under a new …
We need plug-in hybrids!” a young leftie once chirped at me after I addressed students on his college campus. “OK,” …
There is a downside to almost all of the green energy solutions usually pushed forward. Windmills kill birds and don’t …
Think about it – you knew why all along. The great Green Scam. The cost of producing electricity has dropped …
At least for now, America is self-sufficient in energy. By Richard McCarty In the 1970s, America saw what happens when a …
Swinkels Family Brewery has been working with the Metal Power Consortium and researchers at TU Eindhoven, to install a cyclical …
With all this anarchy and the increasing chance of a CME from the Sun (Electroverse) losing power becomes a very …
Not only are they temperamental and can’t function when it’s too windy or not windy enough, but they pollute the …
A closer look at solar panels opens a wide array of questions that need answers. A Popular Choice Solar panels …
Could This Be The Solution To The Global Lack of Water? GivePower is a team of engineers, developers and clean …
This revolutionary new type of battery which, unlike those used in conventional electric cars, can also power buses, huge lorries …
Here’s a great idea. it’s inspired by nature, and delivers clean and decentralized energy at a low cost, without harming the …
By Printus LeBlanc Earlier this week, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry sent a proposed rule change to the Federal Energy …
Reddit user voicesinmyhand made a very good point about planning for survival after a cataclysmic event. You can be prepared for any …
GravityLight is a revolutionary new approach to storing energy and creating illumination. It takes only 3 seconds to lift the …