Topher brings you Protecting My Private… Property, video #5 from the Lifestyle Regulation Madness series, where he asks why private …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Topher brings you Protecting My Private… Property, video #5 from the Lifestyle Regulation Madness series, where he asks why private …
By Marita Noon University of Michigan’s Energy Institute research professor John DeCicco, Ph.D., believes that rising carbon dioxide emissions are …
The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution reads, in part, as follows: “No person shall…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without …
As federal courts wrestle with voter ID laws in several states just months before a national election, there is considerably …
Our favorite Ozzie, Topher Field is back with videos #3 and #4 in his rail against the system. In video #3 he …
The Cato Institute is a libertarian-leaning think tank that has just performed a Herculean public service by putting together this …
by Dan Mitchell. Okay, I’ll admit the title of this post is an exaggeration. There are lots of things you should …
While congressional Democrats and Republicans go head-to-head over gun control, proponents of a smaller, often overlooked facet of the Second …
One ‘Fine’ Day is video #1 of the ‘Lifestyle Regulation Madness’ series from our Australian social commentator, Topher Field. …
Ticketing Children for Selling Lemonade Highlights Overcriminalization Problem Some Louisianan children recently opened a lemonade stand and were ticketed for operating a …
The TSA Edition of the Private Sector Does a Better Job by Dan Mitchell The Transportation Security Administration has become infamous over …
The Obama economy has been tough on America’s working families. Just recently Pew Research Center reported that in the last 15 years “the …
The Squirrel says: Amazingly, this research came out of Harvard. According to proponents of gun control, more guns in …
Civil asset forfeiture is as regular readers know, a policy that law enforcement often abuses to seize a person’s property, such …
The stories of two businessmen who recently were denied banking services because they sell firearms suggest a secretive government program …
UPDATE: Conway’s problems with the North Carolina Building Code Council gained notice of state officials. The North Carolina General Assembly stepped …
They will always find a way to rob you blind. In another guest post from The Daily Signal out of Heritage …
Police Department Bought Harleys, Camero, Tasers, With Nearly $1 Million Seized From Citizens Under Controversial Program A new report from …
Why do many people engage in civil disobedience and decide not to comply with tax laws? Our leftist friends (the …
Learning from New Jersey’s Bad Tax Policy by Dan Mitchell Federalism is a great idea, and not just because America’s Founders wanted a …
NRA Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre , took the stage at CPAC 2016 to speak on …
Americans in large numbers are turning off TV newscasts, canceling subscriptions to newspapers, and seeking other sources of news. Distrust …
This week, President Barack Obama announced executive actions related to guns. Here are 10 common myths about firearms. Myth No. …
The Federal Aviation Administration missed its Sept. 30 deadline to file national regulations for drone use. Interest groups sent a letter …
The Squirrel says: You NEVER know what’s going to bite you. Sometimes, the things you take most for granted, like the …
The reason we are suspicious of smart meters goes back a ways. At the start of the Obama Administration, we predicted that …
For most of us, blue flashing lights in the rearview mirror create a feeling of abject dread in the pit …
You don’t have to live in a drought area like California to know that saving water in the home makes …