This is why we have the Castle Doctrine, Stand your Ground, and the Second Amendment in our civilized states – …
The Second Social Security Crisis
If you did man-on-the-street interviews across America and asked people about Social Security, I suspect most of them would have …
Fact Check: Are Half of All Border Patrol Agents Hispanic?
Townhall editor and Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich said in a tweet Wednesday that 52 percent of U.S. Border Patrol agents are …
To Promote Gun Control, the UN Changes the Rules
In the last two weeks of June, the United Nations held another review conference on its efforts to counter what …
Why Houston is a better town than….almost anywhere (And why DC sucks)
URGH!!! Zoning laws. I’m in the middle of a fight with the Zoning Gods and I can tell you as …
The Chicken War of the 1960s led to higher-priced small trucks.
The other day my daughter, who is moving to Canada, and I were car-hunting at a Volkswagen dealership. During our …
Willis Carrier – America’s unsung hero and government enabler
This was one of the most significant events in American history. In 1906, a man named Willis Havilland Carrier from …
Calvin Coolidge, the Declaration of Independence, and Limits on the Power of Government
by Dan Mitchell To keep with tradition, it’s time to expand my collection of 4th-of-July columns. In 2010, I contemplated the issue …
US state announces: ‘Surrender Your Guns Or Become A Criminal!’
New Jersey, not exactly known for giving the people living within its borders freedom, has just passed a law that …
An Amusing Examination of Socialism
I’m a big believer that some images do a great job of capturing an issue. The essential insight of supply-side economics. The …
Happy Birthday U.S. Army!
^^This is what the Army does between Powerpoints!^^ Happy 243nd Birthday to the greatest fighting force & defenders of peace …
Q & A: The Politically Incorrect Book That Debunks Climate Change Myths
Marc Morano, founding editor of the award-winning website, recently authored “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.” He spoke to Daily …
Lessons from Europe on Welfare, Dependency, and Self-Reliance
America has a major dependency problem. In recent decades, there’s been a significant increase in the number of working-age adults …
SRC EXCLUSIVE: Inside the lies of North Korea’s nuclear and propaganda programs
In the eternal poker game that is Korean politics, President Trump has folded on a planned June 12 summit meeting …
Dispelling False Gun Narratives in the Wake of the Santa Fe Tragedy
Last week, a teenager stole his father’s shotgun and .38-caliber revolver, smuggled them into his Santa Fe, Texas, high school …
Why China Represents Such a Global Threat
Just this year, the Chinese Communist Party held an election in the Great Hall of the People where Xi Jinping …
Are federal and state-funded child care centers funding terrorist groups overseas?
Welfare fraud is an expensive problem for American taxpayers, but as a new report reveals, the cost might not be …
Why Reagan Remains Highly Relevant Almost 30 Years Later
Have you noticed? Liberals are counseling conservatives to be “realistic” and no longer look to Ronald Reagan for answers to …
How did I miss SO MUCH OF THIS?
The Daily Signal’s Facebook Live show “Top 10” features the top news stories of the week—many of which went misreported …
Which country has the same size economy as YOUR state?
Putting America’s enormous $19.4T economy into perspective by comparing US state GDPs to entire countries How important was international trade …
The Peculiar History of Arthurdale ~ A failed experiment in Socialism
Here we sit in a branchy row, thinking of beautiful things we know, Dreaming of deeds that we mean to …
Teachers receive mini baseball bats to fend off shooters
Despite a community-wide survey which voted 70%-30% to permit willing teachers to arm themselves, local school officials have come up …
Gun Control Satire
It’s time to augment the satirical columns about gun control that I shared in February and March. Let’s start with …
This man is RIGHT! We are the Majority!
Best speech ever on the Second Amendment? Proud gun owner, Mark Robinson, makes an impassioned plea to his city council at …
The Bill of Rights, Gun Ownership, and the Constitution
I don’t own an AR-15. I’m not a “gun person,” whatever that means. I hardly ever shoot. And I never …
Gun Rights Actually Are a Civil Rights Issue
It is becoming increasingly fashionable for those who support gun control to compare the post-Parkland, student-driven movement to the civil …
Teachers highly trained in emergency gun use are forbidden to protect students
Mark Zilinskas, a high school math teacher in Pennsylvania, took firearms and emergency response training even though his state prohibits …
How to explain the Second Amendment to the ignorant, ill-informed and volitionally stupid.
We have a Constitution for a reason. It’s to protect the rights of ‘The People’ – a clearly expressed concept …
Passports Were a “Temporary” War Measure
File under “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. ~Kelly” In the age of heavily restricted migration, passport …
Syrup Smugglers Take on the Maple Mafia
O Canada – the land of moose and snow, where the drugs are cheap, the people are notoriously nice, and …